Our platform
Trade-on-trade functionality
We’re constantly looking for ways to help you improve efficiencies in your business. Our trade-on-trade functionality does exactly that, by streamlining the trading process. It allows you to keep trading in assets while existing trades are pending, helping you manage client transactions much more efficiently.
How trade-on-trade helps
A new sell could only be placed when the initial sell had been priced.
You’d see a message stating ‘pending transaction exists’ blocking any further trades from being placed.

Now, the new functionality lets you place a new transaction or trade during a pending trade, saving you time and effort.

Benefits of trade-on-trade
Additional trades
Gives you the ability to carry out additional trades on funds directly involved in a rebalance instruction, auto sell down or regular contribution/withdrawal, with no delay in waiting for the original trade to settle.No waiting on pending trades
Simultaneous trades
Trade-on-trade in more detail
Available value
This is the amount of the asset available to sell. This is an estimated amount based on current price and available units. If you’re selling by monetary amount there’s a tolerance in place to prevent overselling. The available value reduces by the amount you have sold and 25% of the amount sold.
You're able to sell a maximum of 80% of the available value. If you need to sell more than 80%, just show this as a unit or percentage-based amount.
Available units
Assets with pending trades
To help you identify assets with pending trades, you'll see the available units and value highlighted in italics and the 'exclude assets' box will be checked. Simply untick the box and you can place the new trade.
Placing trades
There are no limits on the number of trades that can be placed. In fact, additional trades can be placed until the sell value of an asset has been exhausted.
The only change is the ability to place a sell over an existing rebalance. A rebalance can’t be placed over pending trades on assets involved on the rebalance instruction, other than annual management charge unit rebates. Trades on assets that are not involved in the rebalance will continue to have no impact on the rebalance instruction.
Bed and Isa applications
To make your life easier, two Bed and Isa applications can be placed simultaneously on a joint General account but the applications need to be keyed separately.
Drawdown instructions
You should be aware that if pending trades are outstanding on a Pension account, we can’t process a drawdown instruction until the trades have been priced.
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As the name suggests, these are the number of units available to sell. This is an estimated value, based on the available value and current price.